Wires and cables represent the same thing but in reality they are very different. A wire is a single conductor while a cable is a set of wires. They use electric currents to fly. Buying cables and wires isn't a straightforward job. And when buying them, we should be careful. You should be aware of certain technical issues when selecting the correct wires and cables . Scale and Color: You will require a different color wire for each use. Wire test will assess the correct wiring and cable thickness. A wire of the wrong size can lead to hazardous circumstances such as electric shock or explosion. And, you ought to find the proper size of the cable. As with thickness, the wires color is often unique to different plays. Red, yellow and blue wires are used in 3 steps while green wires are used for earth wiring. Cold wires (black) will be used for switches and/or outlets. Material: There are various types of wires and cables available on the market and are made using diffe...